MGM Clover Dale School

CBSE Affiliation No: 1130339


Mahatma Gandhi Mission had been nominated amongst 9 prestigious institutes of India, as one of the partnering institutes under the Erasmus Mundus European Union - Svāgata Program for student and staff exchange. The European Commission had launched this initiative to foster cooperation between higher education institutions and to boost exchanges of students, researchers and academic staff and to support mobility, in particular from non-EU countries to EU member states, at one of the eight European partnering Universities.


‘Design for Change’ is the largest Global Movement of children across 66 countries through which children are driving change in their own communities by unleashing their ‘I CAN’ superpower. DFC is an initiative by the Riverside Education Foundation and MGM Clover Dale School is a partner school in this initiative since 2014. This ‘I Can’ spirit empowers children and gives them an opportunity to express their own ideas for a better world and put them into action. Children become change-agents by using a simple design process of Feel-Imagine-Do-Share (FIDS).

MGM Clover Dale School is proud to be a part of the DFC movement.

MGM Clover Dale School’s DFC project was selected amongst the top 100 inspiring stories in the country in 2017. Click to view more details of the story.

Project – CANteen
– In this project, children created an impact in the school community by improving the entire canteen experience including the food quality, hygiene, happier environment and overall well-being of all.

'ANNA PURNA BRAHMA' was their biggest inspiration to transform their school canteen to a space where they could get energized (gain 'Urja') and eat with gratitude.

To bring in these positive vibes, they eliminated food and water wastage, introduced the gratitude bell, appointed food monitors, changed to steel plates from plastic, re-imagined the seating and segregation of utensils for washing and improving hygiene.

MGM Clover Dale School’s DFC project was again selected amongst the top 100 inspiring stories in the country in 2018. Click to view more details of the story.

Project – Mudita (‘Finding Delight in Elevating Others’) – In this project, children designed and engaged in various initiatives for enhancing the well-being of the support team in the school.

In today’s fast & competitive world finding happiness in the well-being of others is a key to make our world a peaceful place. The problem children chose to address was to motivate the support team members of the school. They noticed that the mamas and Maushis were not as privileged as them and were missing out on the simple joys of life. Children got together to advocate that learning and growth opportunities should not be the privilege of a few but should be equally extended to all members of the school ecosystem.

AProCh (A Protagonist in every Child)

Most urban cities, in trying to fulfil the modern demands of infrastructure and automobile excess are eating up on the free and safe spaces for unrestricted childhood. Children have less cycling paths or play areas and more video games and TV channels. The closeness to nature, running around bare foot or on cycles, climbing up the trees, feeling safe in the neighbourhood is completely losing out to technology and modern infrastructure.

MGM has partnered with the Riverside Education Foundation to introduce the initiative ‘aProCh’ (A Protagonist in Every Child’) to Aurangabad city. The objective of aProCh is to create ‘a Child friendly city’ - a city which accords safety to the child; where the child has freedom to explore, derive fun and joy, has ample opportunity and builds happy memories for a lifetime. aProCh, a community based initiative was born out of this need for change. To fulfil the vision of aProCh, various initiatives were designed and implemented.

MGM CloverDale School annually organizes various events such as the ‘Parents of the Park’, ‘Street Smart’ and ‘Mov’ing experience’.

‘Parents of the Park’- is an initiative with a soul to bring parks alive for children. Adults take ownership and responsibility of nurturing and caring for childhood. Parent involvement plays an important role in the children’s success at every step along the way and improves student achievement reduces absenteeism, improves behavior and restores confidence. In aProCh, all our students and parents explore a new world of joy and happiness with various fun-filled activities like tattoo, mehendi, traditional games and music. With aProCh at MGM, we help in increasing and maintaining a strong bonding between schools, parents and students of the city.

‘Street Smart’

‘Street Smart’ offers the perfect platform for children to claim ownership of their own city and experience their streets as safe and welcoming. For a couple of hours, the busiest street in the city are closed down for regular traffic and opened up for children, parents, teachers and the community. Children from all demographics are welcomed to enjoy the freedom and create happy childhood memories by setting up games, activities, stalls, tattoo, mehandi etc.

‘Mov’ing Experience’

‘Mov’ing Experience’ is an initiative based on the belief - “From to whom much is given, much is expected”. It is an edutainment experience designed to mark fun and fantasy for children by making them visit recreational and educational places like multiplexes, restaurants and parks.


MGM Clover Dale School, in association with British Council, initiated ‘The Reading Challenge’ in Aurangabad for the first time in 2016. This program was open to all children in Aurangabad city in the age group 5 yrs – 14 yrs. Till date (over 2016 and 2017) more than 150 students have participated in this challenge and have completed it successfully. The theme in 2016 was ‘Record Breakers’ and 2017 was ‘The Big Friendly Read’.


KidSpirit is a New York based online magazine, where teens share write-ups, poetry and art-work in a non-affiliated and inclusive forum. Their prompts and questions for expression are very interesting and of youth interest for instance – ‘Creation and Destruction’, ‘Resilience’, ‘HHuman Dignity’, ‘Happiness’, ‘Mysteries of the Universe’ etc . In order to showcase the hidden talent of our students, CDS has associated with the Indian Ed Board of KidSpirit. Students have made many contributions and their articles are regularly published. Some of them have also won awards for their work.