MGM Clover Dale School

CBSE Affiliation No: 1130339


The curriculum design is guided by the fundamental principle of holistic development which can be concisely stated as:
Feed your soul;
Fuel you body;
Expand you mind;
Strengthen yourself!
Create Balance!!
No wonder, on a typical day you will find students engaged equally in learning life skills, sports as well as in academic endeavours. Students are encouraged to work in groups to inculcate a spirit of team work. Critical thinking and creativity are embedded in the curriculum by design and help to form bridges across the various subjects of study. Children are mentored and are given opportunities to discover and harness their talents through various club activities. Through the year students participate in various academic, sports and cultural activities and competitions. Above all, Children are taught to appreciate the importance of leading a values-based life. Social projects are woven into the curriculum to help in the socio-emotional development of the child.